
Mark 4-5

Jesus expects His followers to Trust Him. We have a hard time with trust... especially if we feel we've been disappointed before or if the person we are asked to trust isn't powerful enough to take care of us. So, we fear which drives us to want to control.

Jesus knows just what His followers need in order to trust Him. He reveals His absolute AUTHORITY over things we fear. In Mark 4-5, our reporter guide, Mark, describes 4 scenes of Jesus revealing His authority to His followers so that their Faith in Him will set them Free from Fear.

Jesus shows His Authority over:

1. The World Around Us (Mark 4:35-41)

2. The Inner Battle (Mark 5:1-20)

3. Pain- physical and relational (Mark 5:24-34)

4. Death (Mark 5:21-23, 35-43)

Jerry McCarty, one of the International Workers we support, also lead us in time of prayer for our family experiencing true pain right now in Indonesia.